AI Is Definitely a Thing Now

by Chris Antonsen Artificial Intelligence has entered the room. It is readily available and presents amazing benefits as well as temptations and risks. Fans of the 1983 movie thriller WarGames will recognize this ominous phrase that still conjures fears of computer intelligence leading to doom. (Source)   Right now I am not thinking about a … [Read more…]

About High School Admissions and Applications

by Krystal Young The transition from middle to high school can be exciting and overwhelming for students and parents alike. High school represents a new chapter in your child’s life, with new academic, social, and personal challenges. It is the time of year when many families and students have questions about the process for a … [Read more…]

Study Hall with a Side of Studio, Executive Functioning, and Lunch!

by Krystal Young Greetings middle school students and families, As we reach the end of the first trimester, we’ve spent time reflecting on what’s working, what’s almost working, and what isn’t working. One of the great things about Countryside is our ability to make adjustments on the fly. These adjustments can be related to student … [Read more…]

Snack Election

by Gabriel Bielenberg “I love the smell of freedom in the morning. It smells like . . . *sniff sniff* . . . candy?” To recognize the rights we Americans practice every four years for our presidential elections, as well as to help ease the tension of national division by focusing on school pride and … [Read more…]

Math Projects Showcase (Trimester 1)

by Tara Santiago Our middle schoolers have learned all sorts of things in their math classes this trimester, from classifying real numbers to writing geometric proofs. In addition to daily classwork, weekly homework, and tests, students also worked on projects for each unit. Pre-Algebra After their first unit, Pre-Algebra students worked on projects about the … [Read more…]

Grade 6 LWW: Book Talks Why and How

by Chris Antonsen Hi, parents of sixth graders. I want you to understand our two book talk projects in LWW because I have very specific goals and expectations students and their parents should understand. Here’s a deeper look into how book talks in our middle school work. Last year in sixth grade, Kate delivers her … [Read more…]

Fall Dance 2024 Preview

by Chris Antonsen While students will get more information about the dance during Advisory, here are a few things new middle schoolers and their parents should know about Countryside’s special and memorable dances. Fall Dance: Une nuit à Paris Fri., Nov. 8 @ 7:00-9:00 pm in Paris (the Countryside gym) This is the invitation sent … [Read more…]

Science and Lab Safety

by Amber Barker Sixth grade students Amy and Atharva investigate the effects of different colors of light using their light box models. (Photo: A. Barker) Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of labs to expand their understanding of the world around them. These labs allow students to better … [Read more…]

Allerton or BUST!

by Krystal Young Well…we’ve done it, successfully held another middle school camping trip. I’m a glamper not a camper, so who better to write the Insight Blog to give a glimpse behind the curtain of this storied Countryside event. 😉 First, a little on the history of the campout: It started while Cathie Webber was … [Read more…]

Fall LWW Activities

by Chris Antonsen All middle schoolers have quit a few activities and projects large and small going on right now. Here are some glimpses at a few of them. All Grades Vocabulary Everyone in grades 6-8 works on vocabulary weekly, “playing” and practicing curated lists (connected with LWW readings) to meet their needs and … [Read more…]